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Check out what the press has said about the Worldreader app:
“eBooks like Pride and Prejudice and A Tale Of Two Cities are at the fingertips of thousands of kids who would have never had the opportunity to read them before, and Worldreader wants that to grow quickly. Along with ebooks, the organization has shared educational information about HIV/AIDS and malaria, instantly turning the device into a life-saver as well as a learning tool.” - TechCrunch
“Since 2010, the non-profit organization Worldreader has provided school children in a number of developing countries with access to free digital books through donated Kindle ereaders. Recently, it has begun to publish the ebooks via a mobile phone-based ereader.” - BBC
“In August and September, over 50,000 people used Worldreader Mobile eReader to read information about Ebola provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. “ - allAfrica
“It is not hyperbole to suggest that if every person on the planet understood that his or her mobile phone could be transformed – easily and cheaply – into a library brimming with ebooks, access to text would cease to be such a daunting hurdle to literacy.” - The Guardian
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“像傲慢与偏见和A双城记电子书是在成千上万的孩子谁可能就不会有机会之前阅读他们的指尖,和Worldreader希望这样快速增长。随着电子书,该组织共享教育信息化对艾滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾,瞬间开启装置成一个生命的保护,以及作为学习工具。“ - TechCrunch的
“2010年以来,非营利组织Worldreader提供学童在一些发展中国家通过捐赠的Kindle电子书阅读器可使用免费数字图书。最近,它已经开始通过手机为主的电子阅读器发布的电子书。“ - BBC
“在八月和九月,超过50000人使用移动Worldreader电子阅读器读取由疾病控制中心和世界卫生组织提供有关埃博拉的信息。 “ - allAfrica
“这不是夸张建议,如果地球上的每个人都了解,他或她的手机有可能转化 - 容易和便宜 - 成库电子书充满,获得的文本将不再是一项令人望而生畏的障碍素养。 “ - 守护者